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Earthmoving Plant Training & Assessment

Currently no Licence is required for most classes of earthmoving machinery and plant.

However, the WHS ACT 2012 states that the PCBU (employer) must ensure the operator receives adequate information, training, instruction and supervision by a competent person in the safe use of any mobile plant in a workplace.

In the unfortunate event of a major injury or incident the PCBU will potentially have to prove they have shown due dilligence and provide documented evidence of training (either formal or informal).

One way for a PCBU to meet their duty of care is to provide nationally recognised training.

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  All nationally recognised training, when a learner is deemed competent at the completion of their training, will be issued with a Statement of Attainment Competency in the unit in which they have enrolled by our partnering Registered Training Organisations:

Talented Training RTO #45144, All High Risk Training Pty Ltd RTO #91463 and Allens RTO #90909


Copyright High Risk Work Solutions Pty Ltd | All rights reserved July 2015 ABN: 86 624 124 856

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