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RIIHAN203E Conduct Lifting Operations


Outcome: Nationally recognised statement of attainment


Course Duration: 4 hours (experience, competency and class size dependent)

Location: Onsite or offsite, statewide

Pre-requisites: Must be 16 years of age and possess good language, literacy and numeracy skills

What to bring: USI Number ( Biscuits, tea, coffee and drinks are provided. There are many takeaway food options nearby or feel free to bring your own lunch

PPE requirements: Hard hat, safety boots, long pants and Hi Vis short/long sleeve shirt


Unit Descriptor

  • Plan and prepare for lifting operations

  • Prepare for lifting

  • Move loads

If you are performing routine lifts with known load weights, the load has pre determined lifting points, application of a slinging technique is not required and the load remains within the crane operators view, then this course may be an alternative to a 5 day dogging course.

A Safe Operating Procedure (SOP) or similar must be developed and followed detailing load weight, inspection of slings/lifting gear, what type of lifting equipment is to be used and how the slings will be attached/applied to the load.

A Licenced Dogman is required if there is a decision needed to be made about load weight, inspection, selection, or application of the slings and slinging technique, and/or the crane operator requires direction in the movement of the load.


Application of the Unit

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct lifting operations in the resources and infrastructure industries, including developing preliminary lifting plans, directing load movements, connecting load to movement devices and confirming load stability.


It applies to those working in operational roles. They generally work under supervision to undertake a prescribed range of functions involving known routines and procedures and take some responsibility for the quality of work outcomes.


Licensing, legislative and certification requirements may apply to this unit and can vary between states, territories and industry sectors. Users must check requirements with relevant body before applying the unit.

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Anchor Load/unload

  All nationally recognised training, when a learner is deemed competent at the completion of their training, will be issued with a Statement of Attainment Competency in the unit in which they have enrolled by our partnering Registered Training Organisations:

Talented Training RTO #45144, All High Risk Training Pty Ltd RTO #91463 and Allens RTO #90909


Copyright High Risk Work Solutions Pty Ltd | All rights reserved July 2015 ABN: 86 624 124 856

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