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CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry (White Card)

Outcome: Nationally recognised statement of attainment and white card (issued by Worksafe Tasmania)

Course Cost: 

$150.00 pp in Hobart (50% funded by Keystone if eligible)

$180.00 pp in Launceston/Devonport (50% funded by Keystone if eligible)

10% discount for Master Builders members

Please enquire about group booking rates


Course Duration: 3-5 hours (experience, competency and class size dependent)


Location: Onsite or offsite, statewide

Pre-requisites: Must be 16 years of age and possess good language, literacy and numeracy skills


What to bring: USI Number ( Biscuits, tea, coffee and drinks are provided. There are many takeaway food options nearby or feel free to bring your own lunch

PPE requirements: Safety boots, long pants and Hi Vis short/long sleeve shirt.

Unit Descriptor

  • ​Identify health and safety legislative requirements of construction work

  • Identify construction hazards and risk control measures

  • Identify health and safety communication and reporting processes

  • Identify incident and emergency response procedures



This unit of competency specifies the mandatory work health and safety training required prior to undertaking construction work. The unit requires the person to demonstrate personal awareness and knowledge of health and safety legislative requirements in order to work safely and prevent injury or harm to self and others. It covers identifying and orally reporting common construction hazards, understanding basic risk control measures, and identifying procedures for responding to potential incidents and emergencies. It also covers correctly selecting and fitting common personal protective equipment (PPE) used for construction work.

This unit meets the general construction induction training requirements of:

  • Part 1.1 Definitions and Part 6.5 of the Model Work Health and Safety Regulations;

  • Division 11 of Part 3 of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 for Western Australia; and

  • Division 3 of Part 5.1 of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 for Victoria.

It is expected that site-specific induction training will be conducted prior to conducting construction work.


Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit. Relevant work health and safety state and territory regulatory authorities should be consulted to confirm jurisdictional requirements.

When do I need a white card? (courtesy of Worksafe Tas)

To work in the construction industry at any level you must have an induction card, also known as a white card. For example, if you are:

  • person with control of construction projects, such as a principal contractor, project manager, main contractor, builder, employer, self-employed person

  • person with control of construction work, such as an employer, self-employed person, principal contractor, main contractor, sub-contractor

  • person carrying out work on a construction site, such as an employee, contractor, labour-hire worker


You can only get a construction induction card by:

  • completing construction induction training AND

  • lodging an application at Service Tasmania (see How to apply for a white card below).


If you’re a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU), you must ensure general construction induction training is provided to any worker engaged by the person carrying out the construction work.


As a worker carrying out construction work you must keep your construction card available for inspection.


The following people don’t have to get a white card or do the training are:

  • visitors to a construction site who are accompanied by a person who has received the induction training, and

  • people temporarily at a construction site to deliver equipment, supplies, material or services where a risk assessment indicates that any risks to them can be controlled through other measures (such as implementing visitor management plans, restricted access to low-risk areas, visitor sign-in/out procedures and so on).

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  All nationally recognised training, when a learner is deemed competent at the completion of their training, will be issued with a Statement of Attainment Competency in the unit in which they have enrolled by our partnering Registered Training Organisations:

Talented Training RTO #45144, All High Risk Training Pty Ltd RTO #91463 and Allens RTO #90909


Copyright High Risk Work Solutions Pty Ltd | All rights reserved July 2015 ABN: 86 624 124 856

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