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Scissor/Vertical Lifts and Truck/Trailer mounted EWP's


No Licence is required for a boom type EWP with a boom length of 10.99m or less.


However, the WHS ACT 2012 states that the PCBU must ensure the operator receives adequate information, training, instruction 

and supervision by a competent person in the safe use of any mobile plant in a workplace.


To confuse matters, a Scissor Lift is not defined as a boom type EWP (ie does not have the capacity to slew).

A Licence to Operate a Boom Type EWP (11m or more boom length) TLILIC0005 does not technically cover you for Scissor Lift or Vertical Lift operation as they are usually somewhat different in function and rescue control operation.

HRWS offers nationally recognised training in Scissor Lifts, Vertical Lifts and/or Trailer/Truck Mounted EWP's dependent on your specific requirements.

RIIHAN301E Operate elevating work platform
(Scissor Lift/Vertical Lift - any height
Boom Lift/Trailer Lift/Truck Mounted EWP - under 11m)


Outcome: Nationally recognised statement of attainment and a competency card

Course Cost: 

$260.00 pp in Hobart (individuals/unemployed)

$300.00 pp in Hobart (50% funded by Keystone if eligible)

$340.00 pp in Launceston/Devonport (50% funded by Keystone if eligible)

10% discount for Master Builders Members.

Please enquire about group booking rates. 

Scissor Lift and a Vertical Lift supplied by HRWS

Course Duration: 6 hours as a stand alone course (experience, competency and class size dependent) or

2 hours when added to the 2 day EWP TLILIC0005 (11m or more boom length) HRWL training course

Location: Onsite or offsite, statewide

Pre-requisites: Must be 16 years of age and possess good language, literacy and numeracy skills

What to bring: USI Number ( Biscuits, tea, coffee and drinks are provided. There are many takeaway food options nearby or feel free to bring your own lunch

CPD points acquired: 4-6 (please contact CBOS to find out if you are eligible)

PPE requirements: Safety boots, long pants and Hi Vis short/long sleeve shirt.


Course Description

  • Introduction to the WHS Act 2012, COP and A/S

  • Risk assessment/Hierachy of control

  • Detailed theory component

  • Scissor Lift pre-start inspection and fault identification

  • Plan and prepare for work

  • Intensive practical component

  • Safely navigate site hazards

  • Conduct various simulated Scissor Lift tasks

  • Scissor Lift shut down and post-operational inspection

Unit Descriptor

  • Plan and prepare for operating an elevating work platform

  • Operate elevating work platform in line with established requirements to complete work activity

  • Conduct housekeeping activities


Application of the Unit

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate an elevating work platform at any height.

This unit applies to those working in operational roles.

The work required in this unit relates to the National Standard for High Risk Work but this unit does not provide the licence. Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements that may apply to this unit can vary between states, territories and industry sectors, and must be sourced prior to applying this unit.

This unit alone does not provide sufficient skill to independently load and unload equipment. To perform this activity safely, personnel must either complete or be assisted by someone who has completed RIIHAN308F Load and Unload Plant or equivalent.

Statement of Attainment issued by Talented Training RTO #45144


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  All nationally recognised training, when a learner is deemed competent at the completion of their training, will be issued with a Statement of Attainment Competency in the unit in which they have enrolled by our partnering Registered Training Organisations:

Talented Training RTO #45144, All High Risk Training Pty Ltd RTO #91463 and Allens RTO #90909


Copyright High Risk Work Solutions Pty Ltd | All rights reserved July 2015 ABN: 86 624 124 856

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